Last week the roofing crew has a full roof replacement job in Concord NC. As they were stripping the old material off the roof, they noticed that the plumbing vent pipes are a bit loose. Sure enough, the pipe boots fell through the plywood into the attic as the old boot was being removed. After further inspection, it was determined that the primary Charlotte roofing contractor took a shortcut after they broke the plumbing vent. Instead of taking the time by going into the attic and reinstall the plumbing vent, the contractor created an illusion. The roof vent flashing boot was installed and the pipe coming through it. The caulk was applied between the pipe and the boot, creating an illusion as if the pipe was properly installed.
With the problem at hand, we had to come up with a solution to ensure that the pipe will be installed correctly. Alex, the roofing foreman made a run to Lowes and picked some repair materials. The following items were needed, 1 small can of PVC cement and a
1-1/2 in. PVC DWV 90 Degree Hub x Hub Elbow. The lead installer made his way into the attic, with the homeowner’s permission, and cut the broken side off, to create a clean end to work with. Additionally, we took the coupling, applied the needed amount of glue to both sides. Lastly, both PVC pipes were connected and put back through the roof. Charlotte Ace Roofing is a professional roofing contractor. You can be sure if we run into a situation, there is going to be a solution.
With over three hundred Charlotte roofing companies, it can be tricky to pick out a reputable company. The following tips can be used to narrow your search down. First off, make sure the company has a website up. A website is like an ax to a lumberjack, without it, you will face complication. Secondly, review all major sites, such as Yelp, Google review, Porch, etc. to ensure that they are in good standing with previous customers. Lastly, contact past customers and ask them about their experience. With these three tips, you can weed out the inexperienced roofs and be confident in your discussion.
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