When ordering roofing material as a roofing contractor in Charlotte NC, you need to know good roofing supply companies. Different suppliers treat roofing material differently. Roofing contractors need to do their research prior to setting up an account with a roofing supply company. Certain suppliers use recycled material, refurbished material, and genetic material. In contrast, certain supplier us brand name, well-stored roofing material.
In Charlotte NC these are the 3 biggest roofing supply companies:
Charlotte Roofing Materials Surplus
808 Pence Rd,
Charlotte, NC 28215
(704) 942-0394
Roofing Supply Group, LLC
1600 State Rd 1128,Charlotte, NC 28273
(704) 332-8440
ABC Supply Co., Inc
3100 Parkside Dr Charlotte, NC 28208
(704) 394-9100
Each roofing contractor has an upper hand over another roofing supply company in Charlotte NC. RSG is considered to the premium vendor for the following products:
Grip Rite
Owen Corning
Roof Supply Group (RSG) offers premium customer service and a large variety of roofing material. They have the option to deliver the material to the full roof replacement job site. This is a useful option, especially if you are dealing with storm-related jobs. RSG is a great roofing supply company in Charlotte NC when it comes to quick and affordability.
Charlotte Roofing Materials Surplus is a great roofing supply company, but it lacks in a few area. First off they are not as big as RSG. They operate more on a homeowner retail shop, instead of a contractor’s high volume demands. The products are limited, but they really offer a great price. When homeowners request a location where they are able to purchase additional roofing material, we away refer them back to Charlotte Roofing Materials Surplus. Charlotte Roofing Materials Surplus also likes to sell items that are refurbished or returned. That is how they are able to keep the prices of their products so low. Also, the material would be perfect for a dormer repair. The cosmetics are a bit busted up, the material is of perfect quality.
Lastly, ABC Supply Co is a vendor that operates on a large scale. They offer building material that excels the external visuals of a roof. Material includes 2X4, plywood, and other internal structural material. They offer amazing prices, but they don’t always have the fullest warehouses. In the past, they have been spotted going to RSG to obtain materials.
Roofing supply companies in Charlotte NC all have their own negatives and positives. The choice really boils down to the contractor and what they are looking for. If they need it for a quick patch they might go to Charlotte Roofing Materials Surplus, where they have good, slightly used material. If they are going to need materials for a full roof replacement, they are going to want to use RSG. Roofing supply companies are out there, you just need to find out what they offer and see if they will work for you.
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